Preparing the Final Shipment

After sending out 32 completed and tested Pumani units to Lilongwe last Friday, we focused this week on finalizing and preparing the shipment of the remaining 18 units. During some last minute testing, we’d encountered an odd scenario where the testing fixture appeared to be lagging slightly. I spent a good amount of time combing through the LabView code and retesting a few of the remaining units at 3SD to find out what the problem may be. It may seem a little silly, but it seems the issue was simply the DAQ requiring an update. After communicating with Pride, the issue never appeared again after restarting their system. I do recognize that despite how simple the solution was, the problem could cause slight inaccuracies that should really be eliminated for testing. The remainder of the day was spent preparing an additional 10 sets of headset assemblies and 10 user manuals for Pride. Jocelyn had pointed out a change that she realized needed to be made to one of the pages in the manual. Since they’re already printed and bound, however, the edit is not easily made. I decided to send along some revision labels in addition to the manuals to make this revision simpler. The package was sent and received by Pride, and we expect that the next 18 units will be sent out to Lilongwe this following week.

I’m really excited to hear any feedback from Malawi once the units arrive! Hopefully my fellow classmates and colleagues from BTB will be using the units and letting us know how they perform.