#Fourth Week at OEDK

In the beginning of the week (Monday), we started brainstorming for the NTM (Newborn Temperature Monitor). Basically, the project consists in a device that must be able to show if the baby is OK, too Hot or too Cold. This project is being made to be used for Hospitals in Malawi, Africa. The Hypothermia in newborns often occurs because of the conditions in those hospitals, that sometimes cannot provide enough equipment and nurses to all the babies. However, this device will be able to detect and display the baby condition, to every person be able to easily understand. Weight is an another issue, actually the device has 240g (with 9v battery = 45g). In the future, after evaluating the solutions, we will be able to prototype bases in our Design Criteria and Solution Selection.

After that, we got our ordered materials and started our Project presentation for Thursday (06/30).

Tuesday Morning, we went to the Rec Pool, here at Rice University, to test our Proof of Concept Prototype. Worked well, but when we came back to OEDK, we did a list of Pros/Cons of the current device to start the improvements for the next prototype. In the afternoon, we started working with Solidworks and after that we had a Group Discussion on communication.

Wednesday morning, we Prototype with all materials that finally arrived at the OEDK. We bought Nylon Straps and a Typhoon (U format inner tube structure) and based on that we started the preparatives for the test in the next day. To simulate our client weight, we created a lifejacket that we can put sandbags (weights) inside. So, that way we can better evaluate and simulate his uncoordinated movements. Before adjusting the weights, we did a weight calculation according to the body parts. According to the research, the human body average we have these percentages in the body parts: 8% Head, 50% Torso, 16% Each Leg, 5% Each Arm. Thar way, we could be more precise in our plastic dummy and lifejacket weight division.

Novo Weight Calculation

Thursday Morning, we had the meeting with Dr. Wettergreen to show him our progress and give to him a feedback of everything we did so far in the week. All the meetings are always really productive, because they always help us to hear different opinions and explain our thoughts about our project.  That is really helpful to improve our current prototype and came up with new ideas for the next ones. After the meeting we went to the pool to make some more tests and modifications in the flotation device to improve the current design. In the afternoon, we had a presentation about our Main Project and the Minor Project too. Our group did well in the presentation, because we had time before to practice and divided well which part each member of the group was going to present.

Today, we bought supplies for our project after the morning meeting. Today we leaded the meeting, was a great experience. After that, we started prototyping. We now have 2 prototypes, the Concept behind the is close, but they are really different. We finished everything today to go to the Pool Tuesday morning and test both. That way, we will be able to see which way our project will follow. The opinion and feedback form Dr. Wettergreen will be really important to us too. After that we will certainly discuss everything and think in improvement for all prototypes.


Rafael V. Lantmann
