
In the last week, we were able to finally finish making our final cervical models!!! With a lot of hard work, we were able to print 16 models (4 normal, 4 cystic, 4 precancerous, 4 cancerous) using the new Ninjaflex filament to make the models more realistic. I am very happy with how the final models came out. Although the painting took a lot of time, we were able to make all of the improvements that were suggested to us by our client after seeing our medium fidelity prototypes. We also made improvements to the SolidWorks files. The precancerous and cancerous files are now hollow so that they can be filled up with hot water to improve the duration of the color change. They also only have the color change in small sections of the cervix instead of around the entire cervix like our client suggested. When the models were completely done, we rushed to finish our testing so that we could include the results in our presentation. We worked really hard on our presentation and I am really proud of my team. It’s amazing to see how far we have come. We started with one clay cervix and 50 cervixes later, we finally achieved a final product. I can’t believe we were able to complete an entire project in only 7 weeks. I really hope that Dr. Schmeler’s lab is actually able to use our models to train people to screen for cervical cancer.

It’s been a summer well spent making cervixes. I am glad to have had Mary and Waheed on my team. After tomorrow, both of my teammates will be in another country across the world. I really had a good time working with them and I hope that I will see them again one day. Maybe I will even get to go to Malawi next year as a part of Rice 360. I was super happy when Waheed gave me a moving wooden bird from Malawi as a parting gift. It will serve as a reminder for me to apply for the Malawi trip!

I’m really thankful to have gotten to spend my summer with such great people. Thank you to Helen and Mikaela for being great TAs! Also, thanks to everyone for being really supportive of our project. I am going to miss everyone making fun of our cervixes. To all of the international students, goodbye. It was a pleasure having all of you guys here! And to all of the Rice students, I will see you in August!!!20160722_110627
