Week 4: Staying Alive

What a busy week for team Heartache. Our team was head on into the prototyping season of our internship with Kaitlyn and Rachel working on solution the cumulative motion of heart/lung displacement on the tissue table using strings. Chris and I worked on designing on the variation of the solution using a solenoid and springs to mimic the heart contraction and the same pulley system to mimic lung motion. Both sides of the team spent much of the July 4th weekend at the OEDK cading and 3D printing parts.

Chris and I developed an illustration of the iron solenoid solution that we designed with the iron solenoid being elevated above the water using extensions on the tissue table and plastic extensions on the iron solenoid to push down on the tissue table, which will be build on the spring board. The illustration is shown in the following picture

As far as the cumulative motion solution, team Heartache is currently in the works of improving the lung motion of the device by replacing the string & pulley system that was subject to issues with string slack with a gear and track that will give the device a less subtle and more accurate lung (and/or heart) motion.