I was Ignorant and Presumptuous

Brownsville intrigued me with its contradictions. A Lamborghini whizzed past a rusted trailer home, swaying the overgrowth of tall yellowed grass that framed the decaying home. Gray roads studded with potholes required tense, sharp steering but they eventually led to...

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The Statistics Become Real

The Statistics Become Real

John*, a loving father and grandfather, comes in for a checkup, reluctantly, at his daughter’s insistence. He feels good. Everything is fine. His eyesight is worsening but that’s a normal part of aging, right? He isn’t worried about his diabetes because he’s taking...

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Why was I in Brownsville, TX?

Why was I in Brownsville, TX?

My work was about a revolution …or if we ignored my unbridled enthusiasm and challenged ourselves to be a tad more realistic – an educational intervention. More importantly, my work seemed to be an obsession with the word “shocking”. I heard it...

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