Summer reflections: what a weekend

 Before leaving Malawi I would tend to wonder about how we would spend our weekends in the Houston. Back home being as religious as I am I spend most of my time with fellow christian Seventh Day Adventists at church and generally doing other fun.

It has been such a blessing that myself and Eckharie have been able to find a family away from home at Berean SDA church, in Houston . The SDA students at Rice university invited us over and they have true companions over the weekends.



The highlight weekend for me this summer was the past weekend we spent in San Antonio, Texas at the General Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist church. The conference that takes place every five years and is a meeting of  over  seventy thousand Adventists from all over the world;from the Philippines to the Dominican republic, from Europe to Asia and from Malawi as well. Luckily enough we just happened to be in Texas and had people who chose to invite us along to San Antonio.


This was at the General conference on Saturday.

Sunday: roller coaster rides at six flags

Apparently there are also roller coasters in San Antonio at a park called six flags and was extreme fun. No fear of roller coasters now.

It was truly a most memorable weekend.


Our friends from church at six flags- in the middle one the  very warm Dr. Sara Guzman Reyes- whom we call Aunt Sara. She likes to invite SDA Students from Rice university.


About to be launched into the air. That is me putting on  brave face to the right. And Eckharie to the left.




These are the friends from church. Most from Rice, a few from other universities. (left to right) Rosheem, Ruben, ,Anieph, Anecia, Grace, Shani, Andra, Eckharie and me.