This has been an awesome and very productive week, we finally started working on producing the low fidelity and middle fidelity prototypes for the four cervix models.
At the beginning of the week we planned out the approach and the materials needed to come up with both the structure and outlook of the four different cervices. Then listed down those materials that we managed to get at the OEDK and those that we needed to personally go out to purchase or online. The final design required to be painted and use the thermochromic paint for the color change which we already ordered the previous week.
Approaches to Prototyping:
We used three different methods to come up with the models for the cervices with four different textures for a normal, normal with cysts, precancerous and cancerous cervix
1. Liquid Plastic with Silicon Rubber Molds
Initially a cervix model is created from clay and the set it to dry up, then using Oomo which is a combination of two solutions, properly mixed to come up with the silicon rubber and we use this solution to create the negative of the clay model by pouring it over a cervix clay model in a container then let it cure for 6 hours. Finally we mixed two solution to create the liquid plastic which we pour into the silicon rubber mold and it dries off in approximately 15 minutes giving us a plastic cervix models as shown below.
Solidified Liquid plastic models
Silicon Rubber Molds
2. Solid works + 3D printing
The second aapproach we adapted was to use solidworks a CAD package to design out the cervix features and use the 3D printer to print the cervices for all the stages.
cervix models in CAD format
3D printered printed cervix models
3. 3D scanning + 3D printing
This approach was in three stages, first we had to replicate the four different cervix conditions by creating clay models, then we used the 3D Scanner in the Wet Lab to produce the STL files for the cervices. After editing and modifications we then used the 3D printer to print the models
3D prints of scanned clay cervux models
The third approach gave us a more realistic replication of the cervix despite being a long process and planning to use high quality 3D printers for more precise prints.
We finally got the color changing heat sensitive thermochromic paint on Thursday afternoon and went straight to testing it. We tried out the paint by first mixing it with white cylic paint then painting it on a cardboard surface after drying we smeared warm water on the painted surface and it turned white. Me and my teammates we were really excited about the color changing to white cause this replicates the a actual color change of the cervix with cancer when swabbed with acetic acid in the VIA procedure. The video below demonstrates the color change on a medium fidelity cervix prototype.
From now forward we will be working on the most effective way to implement of the color change on the cervix models keeping in mind the reusability design criteria.
This week we did a presentation on the progress of our project, it all went well and exciting to see how all the projects are on the right track and progressing well! !!
And sadly we said our good bye’s to Borgestein whose going back to Malawi!
The Seed interns will miss you Borgestein !!!!