This week we started implementing our project. Configured the Wi-Fi chip so that it should connect to the internet and also started designing the website’s interface. The design requirements of our system are; should allow clinical staff to continuously monitor equipment, allow manufactures and researchers to download data relevant to their field weekly, the website should be simple and easy to understand. To ensure that data should be accessed only by the required people, a password will be needed to log in. System  efficiency is required in a way that clinical staff can monitor a number of patients on the website at the same time, manufactures will also obtain maintenance information from the equipment easily. Portability is also another important factor that we are looking at, information can be accessed either using a mobile phone or a laptop.

                                                                  configuration of WiFi chip onto arduino board

“20 percent of your time as a design engineer is to be spent on documentation” well I never knew how important documentation is but thanks to the Rice 360 technical team. On Tuesday we had a presentation on coding and data documentation. This presentation included best coding practices, coding documentation and good data documentation practices

On Thursday there was Breakfast Club. This is a platform for the non-technical Rice 360 staff to have an insight on the projects which are done by the technical team so that they are all kept on the same page. It happens once every month.

Midterm presentations were on Friday, we presented what we had done so far to our supervisors and Dr Veronica. some suggestions were made on how best we can implement our project; one of the suggestions was to include real time monitoring for the clinical staff which will allow the information to be updated even when they are already logged in.

Japanese party!! Yes, this was last week’s highlight. We had Japanese food (dumplings and tofu), kung Fu tea, chopstick challenge and many other games. It was really a good way of saying goodbye to week 3

At the Japanese party