Week 5. Putting the pros in prototype

The highly anticipated week has arrived! It is now time for us to get our hands dirty (in my case, burnt with hot glue) and bring our brainstormed ideas to life! 


Through our screening and scoring, discussions amongst ourselves and with our mentors, we moved towards low fidelity prototyping with the bucket building, the ladder, and the UFO.


The bucket building has an upper storage unit where different sized buckets can be hanged. I came across this idea on my “nature” walk around the OEDK, where the electrical lab utilizes very similar mechanisms to store hand tools. Electrical cords for charging will be organized in the removable back compartment, and UVC sanitisation will only operate when the door is closed. 

The ladder utilizes the same mechanisms for combined charging and sanitizing, but now in a wall mounted form with storage in drawers underneath.

The UFO, our unidentified fixed object, explores the concept of separating charging and sanitizing with separate levels to accommodate each function of the station. 

With these concepts, we used cardboard and various materials from the OEDK’s lo-fi cart. I had a lot of fun building these prototypes, and it was nice to test their physical feasibility moving from drawings to the 3D space. The process gave me invaluable experience to actually start thinking about spacing and how real dimensions would work as we move on to higher fidelity prototypes.


Our team also had the chance to give our project pitch to the leadership team and other colleagues, and we were extremely thankful for all the advice we received. Moving forward with medium fidelity prototypes, I am so excited for showcase on  July 21st. Even though the next weeks building up to showcase will be super hectic, I can’t wait to see our ideas become functional in medium fidelity conceptual prototypes. 


And that was a quick recap of week 5 of my wonderful summer journey. I look forward to seeing all of you again next week! In the meantime, go make your ideas come to life by starting with your own lo-fi prototyping!