It’s been a while since I last blogged, and a lot has happened since then. First, for all intents and purposes, Harrison, Hanna, James and I have wrapped up the APGAR project. Our final prototypes will be traveled to Malawi on Wednesday with Dr. Wettergreen....
Adventure time: to the library!
All APGAR, all the time. This week, Harrison, Hanna, and I continued work on the APGAR scoring project. The most important development occurred on Wednesday after speaking to the interns at QECH. The information we learned from speaking to them seemed to change the...
Week Three!
We are moving right along in the summer. As I write this, we are already in our fourth week of the internship. We started off last week by 3D printing some more and finishing the calibration process for the printers. We calibrated the X, Y, and Z motors as well as the...
A Week of 3D Printing
This week was solely focused on 3D printing. Starting on Monday and Tuesday, we learned IronCAD (a lot like TinkerCAD and a lot more official looking). We designed our own pieces to print in the OEDK printers and spent some time working on our own projects. My 3D...
The OEDK is a magical place 🙂
I was a little nervous coming into the summer because I don’t have a lot of experience in the OEDK and did not really know what to expect. But to my surprise and pleasure, I have learned a LOT this week. The OEDK boot camp has been invaluable and beyond what we...
Internship Day 1
Today is the start of the BTB Summer Internship. I’m pretty excited to become more familiar with the resources at the OEDK and to meet the other interns. I’m also looking forward to the projects that we’ll make lots of progress on this summer. This...