It is a world of possibilities!

If there’s one thing that has profoundly changed in my perspective as a result of my internship at the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK), it’s the realization that the world is full of endless possibilities. Gosh! 🫡

From the myriad of machines and tools at the OEDK that brilliant minds have utilized to create amazing innovations, to the groundbreaking technologies I have seen around Houston, I am convinced beyond doubt that there’s so much brilliance and creativity in this world. I cannot count the number of times I have muttered to myself, “Wow, how is this even possible?” at the sight of these innovative and awesome creations.

The extremely tall, beautiful buildings and sleek cars I encounter almost every five minutes, the countless automatic doors I’ve walked through, the advanced emergency alert systems, and the new technologies I’ve had the opportunity to use are all astonishing. This may not seem extraordinary if you are used to these systems or structures, but for me, it’s a revelation. It’s my first time in a first-world country, and I cherish everything that has made life so much easier and more enjoyable. I am constantly in awe of how things work here—it’s so different from what we have in my home country.

But it’s not all about work and technology. We also embarked on some incredible adventures that left me awe-struck. I went ice skating for the first time ever and had so much fun learning how to skate, falling down several times, and eventually getting the hang of moving and balancing on ice. 😂  I also visited the Houston Zoo and the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. These experiences were beyond thrilling. I saw things I had never seen or even imagined existed and kept wondering how people came up with such great innovations.

The ice skating keedsss.Of course we should show off our skating boots.The moment you finally had the courage to stop using the wall support.(Some interns at The Galleria, Houston.)

Precious and Stephen by a whale (maybe)Me technically under waterMy fans and I taking a rest after hours of touring the zoo.(The African interns at the Houston zoo.)

Me by the live display of a human brain. This left me in so much awe! Just me famzing an inanimate lion. Sandstone Concretion. Seeing this meant a lot to me as a petroleum engineering student.(3/100+ I took at the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. 🤩)

Visiting the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was the pinnacle of my experiences. “Mind-blowing” doesn’t even describe it. I took a tour of the Christopher C. Kraft, Jr. Mission Control Center, where NASA coordinates and monitors all human spaceflight missions. I read about the Apollo mission, the historic endeavor that landed humans on the moon. I also saw the Saturn V rocket, the most powerful rocket ever built, the space shuttle, a marvel of reusable spacecraft technology, and more! These firsthand encounters with space exploration history left me in awe of human ingenuity and the boundless possibilities of engineering and science. I’m captivated! Gosh!

A model of the shuttle carrier aircraft and space shuttle. Such brilliance! Me by the Staurn V rocket.Something on the moon to see. (Very few of the pictures I took at NASA.😂)

Again, there is so much brilliance and creativity in this world. There truly are great minds out there, and I am determined to train my mind to exude such great brilliance and creativity too. I really am!

As Albert Einstein once said,

“Engineers create that which has never been.”

I want to be that engineer. I will be that engineer! 

It’s only a matter of time. So help me God. Amen. 🧎‍♀️🤲🏾

Technical Triumphs and Team Adventures: A Look Back at Weeks 4-6 of My Internship at OEDK

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to my blog! I’m Alinafe, and I’m excited to share with you the highlights and experiences from Weeks 4 through 6 of my internship at OEDK. These weeks have been filled with technical challenges, exciting adventures, and memorable events that have shaped my learning journey. Let’s dive into what we accomplished and experienced during this time!


Week 4: Gel Modification and Prototype Development

  1. Gel Modification Methods

This week, our main focus was on enhancing the gel used for imaging by modifying its properties to improve its performance.

Unfortunately, this DIY approach didn’t work as planned, leading us to order a commercial air pump .

commercial pump
commercial pump

Despite our efforts, the commercial pump also failed to achieve the desired results.

    • Next, we used a syringe to modify our gel . While this method was somewhat effective, it did not gave us required results.
    • syringe method

  • Electric Stirrer Success:
    • Our breakthrough came with the use of an electric stirrer, which proved to be the most effective method for creating small, uniform bubbles in the gel (Figure 5). This tool allowed us to achieve the precise bubble size we needed for our project, marking a significant step forward.
  1. Prototype Development
  • Testing and Iteration:
    • We created test prints and models using different materials to evaluate their effectiveness ). While Material A  and B did not work as expected, Material C demonstrated clear imaging results, which was a promising development for our project
      Test print model
      Test print model
      Model with material B
      Model with material B

      A Fun Break: Houston Zoo Visit

      During a busy week, we took a break and visited the Houston Zoo:

      • Exploring the Zoo:
        • We saw lions, monkeys, colorful birds, and many other animals. It was a fun and relaxing way to take a break from work.
      • Learning About Animals:
        • We learned about animal conservation and the zoo’s efforts to protect endangered species.
      • Team Fun:
        • It was a great chance for us to relax, enjoy the day together, and share our favorite animals.
        • The zoo



Week 5: Testing, Reflection, and Client Engagement

This week was a bit quieter due to the Independence Day holiday, offering us time for reflection and preparation for the next stages of our project.

  1. Testing and Client Interaction
    Model creation
    Model creation
  • Model Testing Outcome:
    • We had a meeting to test our models and found that Material A and B did not yield satisfactory results. However, Material C showed potential, leading us to focus on refining this material
  • Client Collaboration:
    • Our client was responsive and supportive throughout Week 5 and Week 6. Their timely feedback and availability for discussions helped us navigate challenges effectively and stay on track with our project goals.
  1. Team Building Activities
  • Bike Ride Adventure:
    • Led by Professor Nodskov, we enjoyed a 3-mile bike ride from the bike shop to the post and back. It was a great and fun opportunity to bond with my team members, enjoy the outdoors, and take a break from our usual routine.
      Bike ride moments
  • Ice Skating Fun:
    • Our team went ice skating at Galleria Mall, organized by Brooke and Rohan . We started off wobbly on the ice but ended up having a fantastic time as we learned to skate and cheered each other on. It was a fun and memorable experience for all of us.
      Beautiful moments

Week 6: Final Model Refinement, Challenges, and NASA Visit

Week 6 was crucial for finalizing our model and dealing with unexpected challenges, including the effects of Hurricane Berly.

  1. Final Model Preparation and Hurricane Impact
  • Model Refinement and Testing:
    • We focused on perfecting our final model for gel testing, making necessary adjustments and conducting thorough tests to ensure it met all specifications.
  • Hurricane Berly Disruption:
    • Hurricane Berly caused significant disruptions, including power outages for off-campus students . While our project materials remained safe, the storm impacted communication and work schedules, challenging us to adapt and find solutions.
  1. Inspiring Visit to NASA
  • NASA Exploration:
    • We visited NASA’s Johnson Space Center led by Rohan and Renee, where we explored fascinating exhibits. Highlights included:
      • Spaceships and Rockets: We saw detailed models of historic and current spacecraft, including Apollo missions and Mars rovers.
      • Mission Control Centers: We got a behind-the-scenes look at the control rooms used for managing space missions.
      • Astronaut Exhibits: We viewed real spacesuits and learned about astronaut training and experiences.
      • Presentations: We attended talks from NASA experts and astronauts, gaining insights into space exploration’s history and future goals .
        One of the interesting things we saw


These past three weeks have been transformative, combining technical progress with team bonding and inspirational experiences. We tackled challenges in gel modification, refined our prototype, and navigated the disruptions caused by Hurricane Berly. Our adventures included a fun bike ride, an enjoyable ice skating session, and an inspiring visit to NASA.

Thank you for following along on this journey, and I look forward to sharing more insights with you soon!


Engineer on the outside, magician on the inside.

“Engineering is the closest thing to magic that exists in the world.” – Elon Musk

Amidst the natural disasters and the follow-up inconveniences, this penultimate week has given me ample time to sit alone and reflect on the good times. Especially the past few weeks.

The whole internship has been somewhat like a trip to the future. Coming from a setting that doesn’t place enough importance on hands on application, this experience has been a breath of fresh air. It allowed us pose as engineers for a while, think and act like them too. And for me, it certainly rejuvenated my interest in engineering.

The first thing I realised was how beneficial it was working with people of similar interests and knowledge and yet diverse experiences. The Rice360 internship is a very diverse place. It’s the most diverse I’ve seen, {15 people, 9 countries}. And because of that, everyone has different conditionings. Different mindsets, heartsets and soulsets that’s infused in everything they do, say or think.
It’s this same feature that allows other people see the weaknesses your ideas or even help complete them.

Usually, I prefer to work alone but now I’m more open to collaborating with others. Without a team, many defects go unnoticed and many ideas go unrealised. It’s literally all in your head and that can only go so far.

As there’s been a lot of cutting, glueing, planning, programming, calculating and designing for our Automated water sampling machine. There, I learnt it’s nice to not confine yourself to one scope of engineering. I’ve always had many interests, so I ventured into subjects outside my field of electrical engineering. I’ve explored structural, mechanical, computer and materials engineering and by chance, many of the skills I acquired during this pursuit came out to be rather useful. I’m able to work on just any part of the project and it’s fun getting to do so many things in the same project.
It also helped me realise many things that I’m yet to learn, or understand.

I appreciate that the experience is based on the actual process engineers employ. And doing that, I got to tick off most of the skills I wrote down before starting the internship. For instance, my fabrication skills are much better thanks to working with the mechanical engineering student {Brandon} on our team. I don’t just use hot glue for everything anymore.
And I learnt more about programs version control and electrical requirements from the Electrical student {Deepak}. We got to practice live, alternating between different roles and I’ll surely be going back ohm with an amplified knowledge base. (I apologise for the bad puns…)

Working on one thing for hours a day for weeks, made me appreciate the effort that goes into everyday technologies. It’s been revealed that nothing will ever go as planned 😂. In prototyping, everything that could go wrong will and most of the experience is just you correcting errors, crushing bugs or quietly praying you don’t blow anything up. It’s 10% building or programming and 90% fixing things and ideas that just weren’t ‘good enough’.
A strong understanding of the concepts is needed, but even at that the practical application says something else. You spend most of the time figuring out why something doesn’t work. And when it does, you spend extra time figuring out why it does work and what you can learn from that.
This experience helps to build mental models that can be applied in other situations to minimise the errors by seeing the problem or likely problem from afar.

I’ve also learnt that being an engineer isn’t just being good at calculus. Of course that help, but engineers are also good technicians, idea people, communicators, scientists, researchers, speakers, team workers and leaders. Wearing different hats and performing different tricks is what makes us!

I learnt to appreciate each step in the engineering design process was important and what a difference it made for our endeavours. The hours of research, the rigorous testing, the problem definition and criteria happened to be the pacesetter for the transformation that would follow.

We’re going further in our endeavours and even though the circumstances aren’t the finest, we’ve got the grits to push through.

It gets messy before it becomes beautiful. Trust the process!

Before I go, I’ll ask you, how many engineers does it take to make something awesome and magical?
None, they don’t need to be engineers… yet.

A Day in the Life of a SEED Intern

Sneak peak into our schedule for the first two weeks
SEED 2024 Schedule


Ever wondered what it’s like to be a SEED intern at the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK) at Rice University? Let me take you through a typical day as an intern here.

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Project Time

Our day kicks off at 9 AM with project time. This is when we set the tone for the day. We brainstorm, list the tasks at hand, decide what needs to be done, and delegate tasks to team members. Our mornings are all about planning and getting ourselves in motion.

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Standup

From 10 AM to 10:30 AM, we have our standup meetings. These sessions are essential for team coordination and collaboration. We discuss what we worked on the previous day, any challenges we encountered, and our goals for the day. This is also when we seek feedback and suggestions from our peers, supervisors, and mentors. We ask questions, get constructive criticism, and gather ideas on the best ways to proceed with tasks or handle challenges.

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Workshop Sessions/Team Work

We sometimes have workshops after our standups. If not, we return to our team’s station and dive into the day’s tasks.

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch Break

Yippee! 🎉💃🏽 It’s time to catch some sun and relax! I bet everyone, or perhaps just my team members, looks forward to the lunch break every day. We refuel, relax, and socialize.

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Project Time

The afternoon is dedicated to project time again. 🙈 We review our goals for the day and spend the afternoon making significant strides in our projects. This period is crucial for hands-on work, ranging from refining our prototypes, researching, brainstorming, conducting experiments, or documentation. This is when we dive deep and make substantial progress.

5:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Wrapping Up

By 5 PM, or earlier if we finish our tasks for the day, we start wrapping up. We review what we’ve accomplished, plan for the next day, and ensure our workspaces are tidy. This winding-down period is when we reflect on the day’s achievements and set a clear agenda for the next day.


From the highlighted daily schedule and the screenshot above (the parts in green are labeled project time), you can see that we spend most of our time at the OEDK working with our team members. This emphasizes how crucial team communication is to our success.

We recently had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Tracy Volz, the director of the Activate Engineering Communication Program at Rice University, who taught us the benefits of effective listening for teamwork. She began by listing out the numerous advantages of being a good listener:

  • Retaining more information
  • Improving productivity
  • Facilitating decision making
  • Solving problems more efficiently
  • Making fewer mistakes following instructions
  • Understanding colleagues’ or clients’ needs
  • Anticipating conflicts or preventing them from escalating
  • Reducing stress and tension
  • Developing better rapport
  • Negotiating a compromise
  • Creating an environment of trust and respect

Afterward, we were paired into groups to analyze how well we listen to each other. We even took a listening self-evaluation. Dr. Volz also shared barriers to effective listening and provided tips for becoming active listeners:

  • Staying focused
  • Listening for ideas
  • Observing nonverbal cues that convey emotions
  • Mentally summarizing
  • Remaining relaxed

The key lesson from this session was that listening and effective communication are essential in building strong and highly effective engineering teams. It’s important that we pay attention to how we listen as this helps us to communicate better. We must learn to ask open-ended questions and seek help when needed too. Listening is a skill that can be learned, and we must all strive to master it.

There you have it! 💫 That’s how we go about making something awesome every day at the OEDK. Each day is a blend of creativity, collaboration, and hands-on problem-solving. It’s challenging yet incredibly rewarding, and I’m excited to see what the rest of the internship holds. Stay tuned for more insights and updates from my journey as a SEED intern! 🚀


A Little More Than Halfway There!

As we head into the fifth week out of the seven total in the program, I am reflecting on the goals I had at the beginning as well as the progress that my group and I have made. This is my first summer in Houston coming out of my freshman year, and I am enjoying it so far! It is nice to meet new people such as the international students and even some of the Rice students.

I didn’t know what to expect at the beginning of this program. Of course, I knew we would be working on projects pitched to the OEDK, but the dynamics of everything were still a little fuzzy. However, we dived right into this experience and got to work. I appreciate that the structure of this was a little different from the typical fixed plan of the ENGI 120/EDES 120 class I was used to. We had some more autonomy which I liked in the internship. My goal at the start was to have a successful and completed prototype for our client. This may sound like a basic or obvious goal, but to me, it is very important. In a previous project I worked on, we got to our final prototype and made many iterations, but by the end, we weren’t 100% successful. Now I can’t make any excuses for the past, I can only use it as a learning opportunity and motivation for the future. So coming into this new project, I was inspired to make it to the end and complete our prototype, and right now my team and I seem to be on track for that.

Recently, we have been working heavily on our documentation. This may seem like something to do at the end, but doing it along the way makes it so much easier to compile decisions, justifications, and results. Since our client is also a company, we found it imperative to do this so that they can make an informed decision about moving forward with our prototype. We are documenting our brainstorming phase and the existing solutions that we researched. From there we divided into the creation of our solution and the many different iterations that we went through. Additionally, we listed out our testing procedures and the results that we collected from them. We still have some information left to put in, but we look forward to getting started on our presentation in this coming week.

Aside from work, I’m really enjoying working with my team because we can also have fun while doing our work, just joking around. Unfortunately this week there was no networking lunch, but I am looking forward to the one coming up. Also, on Thursday after work, some of use went for a bike ride in Buffalo Bayou after work! This was a lot of fun and a great bonding experience. To end our ride, we went to Post Houston and tried some paleta, which was delicious! Overall I enjoyed this past week and I am looking forward to the coming week because it is only three days!!!

View for our bike ride

Some pretty flowers

A Biscoff paleta topped with white chocolate, peanuts, and Oreo bits

The SEED Intern Life

Hi guys! It’s Rohan here with my first blog post as part of the SEED Program at the OEDK. We’ve just finished the third week of the program, and I can’t wait to share some of the details with y’all.

A little background about me – I am a Cell Biology and Genetics major with a minor in Global Health Technologies. Ultimately, my goal is to go to medical school and become a physician. I got to know about the SEED internship through Rice360 – I was interested in pursuing an internship in which I would be creating medical technologies for low-resource settings. On the first day, I realized that I was the only non-engineer in the internship. I was slightly apprehensive about this fact at first. How would I be able to keep up with my colleagues without much engineering experience? However, I pushed these feelings aside and leapt out of my comfort zone.

I ended up choosing a project proposed by Dr. Alfredo Gei, an obstetrician-gynecologist in the Texas Medical Center. He was having trouble visualizing the length of the cervix in pregnant women, a metric that is directly related to the likelihood of preterm birth. He wanted us to come up with an imaging method that would better allow him to see the external opening of the cervix during a transvaginal ultrasound, as well as a model to test this method.

This project was right up my alley! I am interested in the medical field, and this would be a great way to incorporate that interest into my work with SEED. Through this project, I met my teammates – Brooke, Precious, and Alinafe. Brooke is a mechanical engineer, Precious is a petroleum engineer, and Alinafe is a biomedical engineer. We have a group that is extremely diverse in disciplines, so we have a great opportunity to work together with our diversity of thought.

During our first week, we mainly did background research on our problem. We researched the mechanisms of transvaginal ultrasounds, previous cervical models, previous contrast agents for ultrasounds, and many other things. Ultimately, we decided to focus on the model of the vagina, cervix, and uterus first – without this model, it would be impossible to actually test our gel. Thus, we got to brainstorming, with a focus on our model.

We came up with many ideas during our brainstorming phase. We proposed 3D-printing a mold for the organs, which we would fill with silicone. We also proposed creating a cube of silicone, and then simply carving out the organs. We proposed making a negative mold of the organs and pouring silicone around them. Then, we found something that would make the whole process easier. There exists a material that can be used in a 3D resin printer that mimics human tissue better than many silicones. Being able to 3D print the organs would make the process much easier.

We then consulted with Dr. Meaghan Bond and Professor Jackie Foss from the Rice360 Institute for Global Health Technologies – my wheelhouse :). They gave us several ideas from other teams that created ultrasound models – they used different types of silicones, augmenting them with other materials to make them more echogenic in ultrasounds. They also gave us the advice to simultaneously work on two methods of production, in case one of them doesn’t work. With that in mind, we decided to work on these two methods:

  1. Create a 3D model of the vagina, cervix, and uterus and print it out of the resin material
  2. Create a negative of those organs, 3D print that, fill it with silicone, and pull the negative out

With a clear direction in mind, we set off. According to our research, we created models out of gelatin using the negatives that we were going to use in the future with silicone. Several articles claimed that a 17% gelatin mixture mimics human tissue well. Unfortunately, upon testing in Dr. Gei’s office, this turned out not to be true. We scrapped that idea and continued to iterate using other methods. We made a silicone model out of Dragon Skin Skin FX Silicone, meant to mimic human skin. 

Now, we are in our (hopefully) final stages of creating our model. We’re waiting for final edits from Dr. Gei before we print using our desired material and start assembling the model. From there, we can start working on the other part of our design – creating a better transvaginal ultrasound imaging protocol.

Thanks for reading everyone!

To long flights and new beginnings…

Hello everybody! I am Stephen Kamande, a final-year biomedical engineering student from Kenyatta University in Kenya. For the summer, I am a SEED intern at the OEDK. Getting the opportunity to come to Rice University has been one of the privileges of my life, and I want to share parts of my journey over the next few weeks with you.

Living in Houston has been really cool - well, aside from the intense heat. Thank God for air conditioning! As we were taking the ride from the airport over to Martel College, we got a first look at how beautiful the city is. Funny thing is, we got kind of lost on our way, and the driver had a hard time finding the address. It was a very interesting way to kick off the program. The biggest adjustment I have had to make is the food, but the servery on campus has had a lot of options to choose from.

Night time views from Martel College
Having lunch with the gang
Walking into the OEDK for the first time was an incredible experience. Being an engineer at heart, I have to say it is one of the coolest places I have ever seen. Growing up, I was the kind of kid who would be bought a toy car, and within a few days, it would be dismantled as I tried to figure out how it worked. Having such a rich environment of tools and mentors who are so ready to help you is welcoming and inspiring. It makes it easy to quickly bring an idea from your head into your hands. It makes you want to do great things, or as we say, ‘make something awesome.’
We also got sorted into the various groups we will be working in for the rest of the internship. I will be working with Edwin Low and Penina Macha as part of Team AIR (Aspire Inspire Respire) - cool name, I know 😁 - and we are working on the Artemis High Flow Nasal Cannula.It is a medical device that provides respiratory support. My team and I started off by trying to understand what the previous team had been working on, so it involved a lot of poring over long lines of code, interviews, and deciding what we should focus on. A big thing that stood out was how we all have different perspectives, especially given we were all taught in different places, but we learned to listen to each other and collaborate effectively.
Going into the second week, we had a bit of momentum and a plan. Given the project had many potential areas for improvement, we decided to first focus on fixing the motor-valve assembly. We spent most of our time researching different solutions and eventually landed on some items which we were able to order. Now, as we continue testing our solution, we hope it will integrate well with the other components.
I fancy myself a bit of an architecture buff, and my gallery is now full of pictures of random buildings all over Rice. I am always up for taking a walk to explore new places, so the first week involved a lot of getting lost and discovering cool things around the campus. The most interesting thing I’ve come across has to be the piece of the Berlin Wall that is found on campus. We also visited the Houston Museum of Natural Science, where I saw dinosaur bones for the first time.
Piece of The Berlin Wall

My goal this summer is obviously to create an exciting prototype that will impress everyone. But more personally, I am really looking forward to learning how to use some of the machines I have seen around the OEDK, such as the laser cutter, and improving my networking skills. Another is to just have as much fun as possible. Until next time👋…

Week 3: Prototyping Progress!

Coming back into week 3 after resting over the weekend was nice. Over the weekend, some interns and I visited the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. Even though I have been in Houston for about a year, this was my first visit to the museum, and definitely not my last. There was so much to see and despite spending 3 hours there, we could not see it all. It was interesting to see the exhibits, which ranged from talking about physics to Ancient Egypt to Texas wildlife. Exploring and learning about things I hadn’t thought about or considered before was refreshing.

Anyways…back to the project. On Monday, we had a meeting with our clients to clarify some ideas they had given us over the weekend. We have a messaging group with our clients for ease of communication, but when different people are throwing out different ideas (essentially 5 people are our clients) it can be hard to keep track of, which is why we set up the in-person meeting.  In the meeting, we clarified the project scope, and which responsibilities were ours and theirs. We also introduced the new materials that we wanted to use and asked for their feedback. They gave us some suggestions on some other options, but they gave us the green light to go ahead.

After talking over all the questions and concerns that we had, we went over to the hydroponic system and retrieved our previous tests to analyze them. We noticed that some mold and fungus had started to grow, so we made the decision to clean out the system. Cleaning it out took about three hours, using an autoclave for the metal parts and scrubbing and bleach for the plastic parts. This process was a bit tiring, so we were glad we were finally done.

We had a day off on Wednesday for Juneteenth, so that gave the system time to clean out and gave us time to relax. Some interns met up for lunch at Mendocino Farms in Rice Village, and we all enjoyed the outing! When we got back to work on Thursday, we cleaned out the hydroponic system and switched the bleach out for water, but we were having some trouble with the pumps. Our team divided and conquered, with two people working on the pumps and two generating more ideas and solutions. By the end of the day, we had solved our problem with the pumps and finished our solutions.

Finally, on Friday we started new tests in the hydroponic system. Additionally, we discussed our progress so far and our goals for next week. We still have plenty of testing, so that is our focus for the coming week.

I am greatly enjoying this program and project so far and am glad I got to be a part of it!

P.S. My project is protected by intellectual property, so I have to be a little vague in my summaries and refrain from adding pictures 🙂



Where All Things Start: Week 1 & 2 Introduction and Project Selection

Hi, this is Harry Zhu speaking.

Back from my cozy home in Shanghai, China, I arrived in Houston to begin my new quest for engineering design. As I just got off the plane and exited the airport, the Houston summer temperature gave me a hard strike. The heat was in waves and smashed on my face. Experiencing summer’s welcome, I arrived at the apartment. Looking at the empty room, I realized my journey had started from now.

As a Rice student, I am familiar with the campus, but only during the school year. The summertime campus is strangely quiet. There were so few people around and most places were taken over by energetic squirrels. As I stepped into the OEDK, the once-crowded place was echoing with silence. Waiting in the classroom, I met my fellow Rice co-workers and students from Nigeria. As the icebreaking session started, everyone shared their own story with the entire group. The joy, excitement, and laughter soon filled the OEDK, bringing the energy back to OEDK once again.

Nervous yet more exciting and curious, the project revealed one by one. At first, the project for building a water sample collection system for a Rice research professor caught my eye, since this project required various knowledge in mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. However, after listening to Dr. Holmes’ in-depth explanation of the Big-S project, I chose to work on this project to renovate the farming technology of the next generation. I met three other Rice students who also chose this project: Alexis, Brad, and Madison.

Our team gathered the next day and started discussing what our goal was in this project. We soon understood that we were working on a fast-paced project that required fast prototype iterations. Without much hesitation, we started to reach out to our client and started to get a more in-depth view of the project. Combined with the research we had done; our team was able to start doing simple idea testing and prototyping in the second week.

As the program progressed, I also attended various lectures about how to make me a more successful engineer and workshops on attaining the important knowledge for prototyping. Besides working, we also had fun networking lunches with industry-leading researchers and Rice alumni. The conversation with the Rice 360 program leader gave me more insight into how to develop the team’s project.

Also, one of the extra benefits I didn’t realize while selecting this project is that our team can eat all the harvested microgreens! The taste of the radish microgreen is amazing. The mildly spicy flavor with the fresh taste makes me unable to resist eating more.

Microgreen in the Grow Machine

Although this is just the beginning of the internship, I can feel how this is different from the usual college class. The fast and intense pace makes the collaboration between teammates more important. Just from the past two weeks, I already learned a lot about communication with clients, data collection, and variable-controlled testing methods. Starting next week, our team will test our prototypes and start to collect data. I am looking forward to learning more knowledge and making more connections in the rest of the project time.

A SEED of Opportunity

On a sunny Monday morning I parked my bike outside the doors of the OEDK for the thousandth time. I stepped through the doors like I had done so countless times as a student. However,  this was the first time I was an intern in the OEDK. It honestly didn’t feel very different. When I met all the other interns and faculty on the first day during the various icebreakers, I almost felt like I was back in ENGI120 as a freshman. During the afternoon of the first day, we were assigned our projects.

As Dr. Holmes revealed the names of the interns assigned to each project, I was quite nervous as I believed that the project I was assigned to would define my 7-weeks in the SEED Internship. When my name appeared under the River Sampling project I was relieved because this was one of the projects I was interested in working with. Amongst my name were the names of three other interns I had not met before. When we got together for the first time I learned that one of them, Brandon, was a fellow Rice student, while Motun and Dara were international students. I was excited to work with them on this project as part of team FlowMetrics. This was beginning to feel very similar to my first day in ENGI120 nearly two years.

As we went over the goals for this project and for the internship as a whole, I began to wonder, what do I want to achieve?

While the ultimate goal is to produce a design that meets the intended objects, I thought about my personal goals for this internship. Unlike in ENGI120, I was not working towards a grade. Unlike my involvement in my Rice Flight design club, I was not working towards a competition. Unlike in those endeavors, I was not bounded by a mark on a transcript or a number on a judge’s scorecards. I could make the most of this internship as an opportunity to work on technical and personal goals.

As I pondered my goals, I thought, “well obviously, I want to become a better engineer”. Then I began listing all the circuit-building, coding, and other technical skills I wanted to develop. However, I realized that being a good engineer was more than having technical expertise. In fact, if I was assigned to a different project I may not have had the chance to develop this specific subset of skills I was keen on.

I needed to find goals that would transcend this specific project. I decided that figuring out what made this internship opportunity unique. I looked around at my fellow interns. Around half of them were international students from various countries in Africa. Despite being in a brand new environment, all of them seemed very comfortable and were confidently talking with us Rice students. I would have definitely been more shy and nervous if I were in their shoes. I had my first goal; I scribbled down “Become more confident in meeting and learning from new people”. There was definitely a lot I could learn from the unique experiences of my fellow interns.

Then I remembered how relieved I was when I was assigned to the River Sampling project because its scope would allow me to develop the technical skills I was interested in. Would I have been as happy if I was assigned to a different project? I realized that, I would likely have been disappointed and disheartened with a project that was unrelated to electrical engineering and would have failed to make the most of the internship. My next goal was thus to become more open to different opportunities even if they are different from what I want or expect.

This seemed to be a good starting point. In our client interviews, team discussions, and research sessions that took place during the rest of the week, I found ways to actively work towards those goals. I hope that as we work on the brainstorming and prototyping phases over the coming weeks, I will be able to develop these goals further and improve my contribution to my team!