week 3

I do not know how to put it, but each week gets better that the previous one.

Week three started from where we left last Friday. we continued 3D printing as we awaited the allocations for our summer projects.

It was on Tuesday that we got the projects and I was assigned along with Elizabeth and Florence to tackle one of my preferred project, and that is to design a blood pressure monitoring device for villages which can easily be used even by lay-people. It was a short day though as there were expectation of a tropical storm hitting Houston so we were given half of the day off.

We researched on the topic and produced a Design context Review document but that was after we had undergone a short training of how to operate and translate blood pressure readings on some of the available technologies in use. The picture below shows me, after successfully going through this mini training offered to us by our project mentor.




After the training and the DCR document, we, as a unit, brain stormed on some possible methodologies that can be used in the project and the picture below shows some of the ideas.


We also had the opportunity to start practicing some circuits on arduino to prepare ourselves for the job at hand during this week.

On friday, we underwent a Needs Finding and Scoping workshop delivered by Dr. B. Ghosn which was an eye opener and will help me personally in all projects I will be involved in from now on.

All in all, this week, just like the past two weeks was a success and I can not wait for next Monday.